Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Root Pruning

Dew Pattern Indicating Insufficient Moisture Due To Competition With Tree Roots
In addition to removing leaves and preparing the course for the winter, the golf course maintenance staff has been busy completing other punch list projects before the ground freezes.  One such project was root pruning all trees located within ten yards from the perimeter of the fairways.  While time consuming, the benefits of this process will be realized next summer with healthier fairway turf, more consistent fairway moisture, and a reduction in labor intensive hand watering.  By use of the vibratory plow attachment on our trencher, we were able to sever all roots to a depth of ten inches.  As witnessed by the photo above, these fibrous roots wreak havoc on the turf during the stressful summer months as they are able to outcompete the turfgrass for moisture.  It will take about two years before the roots regenerate and this process must be completed again.