Thursday, November 3, 2011

Drainage Projects Complete

The golf course maintenance staff worked hard throughout the month of October in order to meet our goal of completing all drainage projects by the end of the month. The warm weather and beautiful days often pushed our manpower to its limits as we were often faced with preparing the golf course for play as well as working towards completing the drainage projects.

As was mentioned in the previous blog entry, the fairway drainage projects focused on three major areas. The approach to the green on 2 White received an ample amount of drain line to eliminate the ever present wet conditions in this area. As we exited this drain line across the beginning of the 6th fairway, we took the time to install sufficient drainage to alleviate the wet spots in this area as well. After we finished in this area, we turned our attention to the 7th fairway on the White Nine. This area is always troublesome since it sits below the water level of our irrigation pond. Additionally, very little fall is available to move water from the fairway. After installing the proper amount of drain line to aid this fairway, we used the excavator that we rented to install the culvert pipe to clean out the drainage ditch that slowly allows water to move from this area of the course. Lastly, we turned our attention to what has recently become the most difficult fairway to drain at NSCC--6 Blue. In our most extensive drainage project to date, NSCC staff installed over 2,000 feet of drain line in the fairway, rough, and approach.

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